21-Day Challenge Delivered Via Text or Email
Picking and choosing activities, not for you? Choose this version of the Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge and get daily prompts delivered to you via text or email. This option, delivered to you by ProHabits also allows you to join a community forum of others currently doing the challenge and commenting on the experience. Scan the barcode above or click HERE to start.
Thank you for choosing and using this challenge. If you want to stay connected, email 21daychallenge@theprivilegeinstitute.com. We'd love to know how it went for you and your group!
Tips For Success
- Use the tracking chart provided below to stay on course. You can drag the image to your desktop and print, or you can access a digital version here and copy it for editing.
- We think understanding white privilege is a powerful lens into the complexities of doing social justice work, so we’ve focused our resources on that specific issue.
- Adaptable to all forms of social justice.
- Can be done individually, with friends and family, or organization-wide.
- Like our Facebook page. Use it to get ideas as well as share your 21-Day experience with the 21-Day community.
- Diversify your habits by doing some of each.
* For adaptation ideas and examples of how communities are adapting the challenge to meet their specific social justice focus, click HERE.