"Debby Irving’s powerful Waking Up White opens a rare window on how white Americans are socialized. Irving's focus on the mechanics of racism operating in just one life — her own — may lead white readers to reconsider the roots of their own perspectives — and their role in dismantling old myths. Readers of color will no doubt find the view through Irving's window fascinating, and telling."
Van Jones, author, Rebuild The Dream, The Green Collar Economy:How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems; President, Rebuild The Dream; Co-host, CNN Crossfire
Peggy McIntosh, Ph.D., Associate Director, Wellesley Centers for Women; Founder and Senior Associate, National SEED Project on Inclusive Curriculum (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity)
"Waking up White is a brutally honest, unflinching exploration of race and personal identity, told with heart by a truly gifted storyteller. Much as Irving's family sought to shield her from the contours of the nation's racial drama, so too do far too many white Americans continue to do the same. For their sakes, and ours, let's hope Irving's words spark even more truth-telling. They certainly have the power to do so."
Tim Wise, author, White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son
Bishop Gene Robinson, Retired Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire and Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, Washington, DC
"Deborah Irving’s Waking Up White, and Finding Myself in the Story of Race is a courageous, insightful, and critical contribution to awareness of race in the United States. A virtual one-woman Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Deborah’s journey from an 'ah-ha' instant to consciousness is a journey for all Americans."
Thomas Shapiro, author, The Hidden Cost of Being African American; Director, Institute on Assets and Social Policy
“Waking Up White is a wake-up call for white people who want to consciously contribute to racial justice rather than unconsciously perpetuate patterns of racism. With honesty and humility, Debby Irving shares her own story of transformation—a journey of opening herself to learning about the realities of racism and the unintended impacts of white privilege. By confronting her own fears and mistakes, she gleans many useful lessons and tips that can help move others from confusion and avoidance to constructive engagement, authentic connection and courageous action.”
Terry Keleher, Thought Leadership and Practice Specialist, Race Forward
"Waking Up White is engaging, challenging, and action-oriented! It's a must read for anyone exploring issues of racism, power, privilege, and leadership."
Eddie Moore, Jr., PhD, Founder, White Privilege Conference
“Waking Up White is the only book I’ve ever read that weaves together one person’s experience of class and race in this society in a way that is engaging and thought-provoking, yet at the same time challenging and accessible. Irving’s book is a unique contribution to the emerging dialogue around the intersection of class and race in our society. It shines a light on how privilege is not only unseen, but is actively hidden away by the conventions and patterns of so-called “middle-class respectability.”
Brian Corr, Executive Director, City of Cambridge Peace Commission
"The first thing Debby Irving got right in her quest to 'wake up' was to understand that until she deeply understood racism as a system and herself as a racialized participant in it, she couldn't do much to be a change agent. Her ability to unravel the way oppression and privilege operated in her own life kept me turning the pages, wowed by her willingness to share her deepest revelations. The insights this book delivers make it a valuable resource for anyone interested in looking at the dynamics of racism and privilege. Even as an antiracism educator and activist for decades, I found myself understanding old issues in a new light. It's an outstanding piece of work about whiteness and internalized privilege."
Paul Marcus, Executive Director, Community Change, Inc.
“Where has this book been? It’s so valuable to people of all colors. Everyday I share with people the importance of reading it!”
Karla Nicholson, Executive Director, Haymarket People’s Fund
“The honesty, clarity, and bravery with which Debby Irving shares her story is commendable, and will undoubtedly move the conversation forward in a positive way. I will use excerpts of this book in my Anti-Racism trainings as a source I can completely trust.
Joyce Allen-Beckford, Director of Diversity, Mass Legal Services
"Waking Up White certainly helped me wake up even though I thought I was already awake. It is a wonderful blend of a profoundly personal story intertwined with important research and history. Debby Irving has given me the courage to stand up, take action and have conversations that are really difficult but need to happen. Thank you for sharing your journey with such incredible honesty and integrity."
Nancy Tauber, Executive Director, Cambridge Kids' Council